Interface UpdatableSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractArrayFunction, AbstractFunction, AbstractWeightedArrayFunction, CountArrayFunction, CrossSection, CrossSection.Double, CrossSection.Integer, CrossSection.Long, MaxArrayFunction, MaxArrayFunction.Double, MaxArrayFunction.Integer, MaxArrayFunction.Long, MaxTraceFunction, MaxTraceFunction.Double, MaxTraceFunction.Integer, MaxTraceFunction.Long, MeanArrayFunction, MeanVarianceArrayFunction, MinArrayFunction, MinArrayFunction.Double, MinArrayFunction.Integer, MinArrayFunction.Long, MinTraceFunction, MinTraceFunction.Double, MinTraceFunction.Integer, MinTraceFunction.Long, MovingAverageArrayFunction, MovingAverageTraceFunction, MultiTraceFunction, MultiTraceFunction.Double, MultiTraceFunction.Integer, MultiTraceFunction.Long, PercentileArrayFunction, Series, Series.Double, Series.Integer, Series.Long, SumArrayFunction, SumArrayFunction.Double, SumArrayFunction.Integer, SumArrayFunction.Long, TimeSeries, Weighted_CrossSection, Weighted_CrossSection.Double, Weighted_CrossSection.Integer, Weighted_CrossSection.Long, Weighted_MeanArrayFunction, Weighted_SumArrayFunction, Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Double, Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Integer, Weighted_SumArrayFunction.Long

public interface UpdatableSource
An updatable source is a class implementing one of the *Source interfaces, which needs to be updated to refresh its data. Typically, a data source which retrieves data from other source keeps them into a cache and refreshes the cache when the consumer needs a new refresh.
A CrossSection, for instance, is an updatable source, since it collects data from a collection. Accessing its source interface, the consumer can obtain the latest cached data, but if it wants updated ones it has to invoke the updateSource() method of the CrossSection.
Each statistical object contained in the microsim.statistics package automatically refreshes the UpdatableSource source before retrieving the latest data.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Forces the source to update its currently cached data.
  • Method Details

    • updateSource

      void updateSource()
      Forces the source to update its currently cached data.