Class MaxTraceFunction

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, DoubleSource, UpdatableSource
Direct Known Subclasses:
MaxTraceFunction.Double, MaxTraceFunction.Integer, MaxTraceFunction.Long

public abstract class MaxTraceFunction extends AbstractFunction implements DoubleSource
A MixFunction object is to collect data over time, computing some statistics on the fly, without storing the data in memory. It is particularly useful when the user need to compute basic statistics on data sources, without affecting the memory occupancy. The memoryless series computes automatically the statistics using accumulation variables and counters.
This statistic computer should be used when possible, particularly when the simulation model has to run for a long time, condition which implies the growth of the memory occupancy. Moreover, the Memoryless Series objects are much faster than the Series one, because they pre-compute the statistics operation step by step. Trying to compute a mean of a Series object, force the Mean function to sum all the values, every time series is updated.