Class MultiLogitRegression<T extends Enum<T>>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MultiLogitRegression<T extends Enum<T>> extends Object implements MultipleChoiceRegression<T>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLogitTransformOfScore

      public double getLogitTransformOfScore(@NonNull T event, @NonNull @NonNull Map<String,Double> values)
      Warning - only use when MultiLogitRegression's maps field has values that are MultiKeyCoefficientMaps with only one key. This method only looks at the first key of the MultiKeyCoefficientMap field of LinearRegression, so any other keys that are used to distinguish a unique multiKey (i.e. if the first key occurs more than once) will be ignored! If the first key of the multiKey appears more than once, the method would return an incorrect value, so will throw an exception.
      values -
    • getLogitTransformOfScore

      public double getLogitTransformOfScore(@NonNull T event, @NonNull @NonNull Object individual)
    • eventType

      public T eventType(@NonNull @NonNull Object individual)
      Specified by:
      eventType in interface MultipleChoiceRegression<T extends Enum<T>>
    • eventType

      public T eventType(@NonNull @NonNull Map<String,Double> values)
      Warning - only use when MultiLogitRegression's maps field has values that are MultiKeyCoefficientMaps with only one key. This method only looks at the first key of the MultiKeyCoefficientMap field of LinearRegression, so any other keys that are used to distinguish a unique multiKey (i.e. if the first key occurs more than once) will be ignored! If the first key of the multiKey appears more than once, the method would return an incorrect value, so will throw an exception.
      Specified by:
      eventType in interface MultipleChoiceRegression<T extends Enum<T>>
      values -
    • getLogitTransformOfScore

      public <E extends Enum<E>> double getLogitTransformOfScore(@NonNull T event, @NonNull @NonNull DoubleSource iDblSrc, @NonNull @NonNull Class<E> Regressors)
    • eventType

      public <E extends Enum<E>> T eventType(DoubleSource iDblSrc, Class<E> Regressors, Class<T> enumType)