
Class ParameterRangeDomain


public class ParameterRangeDomain extends ParameterDomain
This class is an extension of ParameterDomain where values that are stored are elements of arithmetic progressions of floating-point numbers generated from intervals.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterRangeDomain

      public ParameterRangeDomain()
      The default constructor, creates an instance only.
    • ParameterRangeDomain

      public ParameterRangeDomain(@NonNull @NonNull String name, @NonNull @NonNull Double min, @NonNull @NonNull Double max, @NonNull @NonNull Double step)
      Creates an instance of the class, sets the name and min, max, and step values.
      name - The range name.
      min - The left bound of the interval.
      max - The right bound of the interval.
      step - The step of the progression.
      NullPointerException - when any of the input parameters is null.
  • Method Details

    • getValues

      @NonNull public @NonNull Object[] getValues()
      Generates the actual arithmetic progression and returns all the values.
      an array of objects that are instances of Double, always not null.
      Implementation Note:
      The left bound is always included, but the right one might or might not be. That depends on the actual parameters of the progression, various numerical errors also affect the result.
    • setValues

      public void setValues(Object[] values)
      This method is not supported.
      UnsupportedOperationException - when executed.